
Figure B.10: Matrix 6 Forward Backwards Sweep results for optimal dosing schedule to arrive at two-species stability point (2840 , 5795 , 0). B.4 Optimal Path Projections Projections for FBS results for Matrix 2 to the two-species equilibrium are shown in Figure B.11. Figure B.11: Two-dimensional projections of state dynamics from FBS for Matrix 2 to the two-species equilibrium. Projections of the state trajectories from 100 random initial states x ( t 0 ) to x ∗ with Λ ∗ ( · ) found by FBS to the two species equilibrium. ( x T + , x T P )-space in the left panel, ( x T + , x T − )-space in the center panel, and ( x T P , x T − )-space in the right panel. Paths highlighted in red breach the patient viability constraint before reaching the equilibrium point. Projections for FBS results for Matrix 2 to the three-species equilibrium are shown in Figure B.12. 145