
APPENDIX B. SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER 6 survival curve for all 420 , 000 patients combined is shown in Figure B.14. Combining all patients together can help to understand the risk of giving each of the therapies if there is absolutely no information about the underlying biology. While all treatments have a similar median time to progression, the increasing dose titration protocols provide the best overall survival. In particular, the increasing dose titration protocol stabilizing at a large tumor volume provides the longest simulated progression free survival for the cohort of patients. We see that maximum tolerated dose protocol is not ideal. Figure B.14: Combined Kaplan Meier survival analysis for 420 , 000 simulated patients . In Figure B.15 the Kaplan Meier survival curves for all patients with original matrices and all patients with new matrices are shown separately. Additionally, in Figures B.16-B.18, the Kaplan Meier curves are shown for each matrix individually. 148