I am grateful to the Physical Sciences in Oncology Program for my presence in cancer research. This program introduced me to a whole world of amazing people. Thank you to Yannick , Luis , Irina , Liz , Andrea , Kristin , and Russ . You may not know it, since we see each other at most every year, but your companionship, kindness, and confidence in me were instrumental in making it to this point. I’d like to thank those who saw something in me very early on and truly instilled me with the belief that I can do anything. To Gary Barker for introducing me to the world of science in a way that has never left my heart. To Stephen Tack for showing me math was not boring but instead a tool for understanding the world around me and for guiding me through some of my toughest years. To Kevin Dehne , who launched me head first into the rest of my life with a big smile on his face. To Garry Beckstrom and Bill Mitchell for providing me such a wonderfully supportive environment to start my professional career. All of these early experiences absolutely shaped who I am. Thank you to Casey , Roxanne , Dave , Deepa , Lee , Alina , Lucy , Karl , Marian , Debbie , and Cristina . You have all stayed by me at my worst and lifted me up to be my best. I could write a thesis of thanks for each and every one of you. Thank you to Leslie and Evan , for traveling across the world with me and truly loving and caring for Penelope and Charlotte. Our time in the Netherlands not only made this book and the beautiful cover art possible, but was truly one of the best summers of my life. I am forever grateful to KJ for coming into my life and never leaving. Your consistent and unshakeable belief in me has provided a foundation on even my shakiest days. Thank you for always being by my side, even from all the way over there. To Penelope and Charlotte . Bringing you in to this world has made me a better person in every way. You have forced me to remember joy, and for that I am forever grateful. To Zane . I will forever and always have unending gratitude and love for you. All of this truly is your fault for wanting to move to Tampa. Thank you for listening when it wasn’t about the nail and truly helping when it was. To Chris . Growing up always wanting to be just like you turned out to be pretty great. To Mom and Dad . I’ve tried to write something here over and over. No words on paper will ever suffice. With love, Jessica 157