
TABLE 1. Continued Year Source Article type Description of contents Guidelines 2017 Adviestekst van de Vlaamse Vereniging voor psychiatrie (VVP) over te hanteren zorgvuldigheidsvereisten. 2017. Advisory document Translates the Dutch guideline on psychiatric PAD from 2008 to the current medical and legal practice in Flanders (the Dutch speaking part of Belgium). 2018 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie. Richtlijn: Levensbeëindiging Op Verzoek Bij Patiënten Met Een Psychische Stoornis. 2018. Guideline Offers guidelines to Dutch psychiatrists about how to act when a patient requests PAD. It outlines four different phases in the process of PAD: the request phase, the exploration phase (with a clear paragraph on irremediability), the (external) examination phase and the actual assistance in dying. 2018 Regionale Toetsingscommissies Euthanasie. Euthanasia Code 2018. Guideline Prescribes how the Dutch Euthanasia Review committees should review individual cases based on the Dutch Euthanasia law and available jurisprudence. There is a separate chapter on PAD due to psychiatric disorders. Legal studies Year Source Article type Main arguments concerning irremediability 1997 Legemaate et al. Physician-Assisted Suicide in Psychiatry : Developments in the Netherlands.Cambridge Q Healthc ethics. 1997;6:175-188. Case series Describes the Supreme Court ruling that rejects assisted suicide in cases of mental suffering if there is a realistic alternative to alleviate the suffering. 2011 de Boer AP, Oei TI. [Assisted suicide in psychiatry; current situation and notes on a recent case]. Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2011;53(8):543-550. Legal case study Advises how the assessment of irremediability and expert consultation should be formalized from a legal point of view. 2015 Walker-Renshaw et al. Carter v. Canada: will the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision on physician- assisted death apply to persons suffering from severe mental illness? J Ethics Ment Heal. 2015;1:1-7. Essay 1) Describes the definition of a grievous and irremediable condition as given by the Canadian Supreme Court in which a central principle is that only treatments have to be tried that are acceptable to the patient. 2) Examines if PAD is justified within the Canadian law on physician assisted death. 2016 Downie J, Dembo J. Medical Assistance in Dying and Mental Illness under the New Canadian Law. J Ethics Ment Heal. 2016;1. Essay Shows that psychiatric suffering can be irremediable and that this can be ground for PAD under current Canadian law. 2016 Shaffer CS, Cook AN, Connolly DA. A conceptual framework for thinking about physician-assisted death for persons with a mental disorder. Psychol Public Policy, Law. 2016;22(2):141-157. Review Gives an overview of all jurisdictions that allow PAD at that time and investigate whether psychiatric patients have access. Identifies irremediability as an important topic where legislation differs. IRREMEDIABLE PSYCHIATRIC SUFFERING IN THE CONTEXT OF PHYSICIAN ASSISTED DEATH | 65 4