SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL SUPPLEMENT 1. Topic lists used in the study. Topic list 1 Interviews 1-5 Topic list 2 Interviews 6-7 Topic list 3 Interviews 8-11 Description of last patient with a PAD-request. Description of last patient with a PAD-request. Description of last patient with a PAD-request. ‘No more treatment options left’ * Irremediable psychiatric suffering (IPS) Irremediable psychiatric suffering (IPS) Suffering hopelessly and unbearably Assessing IPS Assessing the death wish (suicide as alternative, function of PAD request) Lack of reasonable other solution Treatment motivation Assessing diagnosis and treatment history Demanding additional treatment Treatment refusal Deciding on remaining treatment options (Acceptance based therapy, role of hope) Tension between demanding more treatment and complying with the patient’s request for PAD. Role of hope Discussing remaining treatment options (Treatment refusal and treatment motivation) Treatment refusal Powerlessness Deciding on irremediability (Role of independent expert) Role of proxies Function of PAD request Rational suicide as an alternative Acceptance based therapy Role of independent expert * The Dutch word ‘uitbehandeld’ does not exist in English. It means that there are no more treatment options left. This was one of the reasons why we changed it in the second topic list. 92 | PART II - CHAPTER 5 5