
108 5 CHAPTER 5 As for beliefs and attitudes pro disclosure, the large majority indicated disclosure would allow them to be their true and authentic self (95.7%w/MHI, 91.2%w/oMHI), and believed disclosure was important due to the responsibility belonging to the nature of their work (74.7%w/MHI, 90.3%w/oMHI). In addition, most reported that the military has good policy for those who develop MHI (72.2%w/MHI, 87.9%w/oMHI) and that generally supervisors take MHI seriously (82.4%w/MHI, 87.7%w/oMHI). Furthermore, personnel reported that it matters for the disclosure decision whether MHI influences occupational functioning (69.8%w/MHI, 74.7%w/oMHI) and whether work accommodations are needed (43.5%w/MHI, 62.8%w/oMHI). Of those with MHI who had disclosed, the majority indicated having had no choice, with 69% needing treatment during work hours and 46.9% having to report sick. An overview of all beliefs and attitudes can be found in Table 2. As for needs regarding future disclosure to a supervisor, the highest need was reported for supervisors who show understanding for MHI (96.8%) and have life experience (93.1%), and advice about the best way to disclose (when/where/how) (88.8%). An overview of all needs can be found in Figure 1. Figure 1. Needs regarding future disclosure