109 5 DISCLOSURE IN THE MILITARY - A QUANTITATIVE STUDY Differences between disclosers and non-disclosers Overall, those who did not (intend to) disclose, reported significantly higher preference for solving own problems and for privacy, and lower feelings of responsibility due to the nature of their work. Within personnel with MHI, there was also a significant difference between nondisclosers and disclosers in the following beliefs and attitudes pro disclosure: those who had not disclosed reported MHI having less effect on their occupational functioning, and less need for work accommodations compared to disclosers. Within personnel without MHI, those who intended to disclose and those who did not, differed significantly on all beliefs and attitudes pro non-disclosure. For beliefs and attitudes pro disclosure, those with no intention to disclose indicated significantly lower belief that the military has good policy for those with MHI, supervisors taking MHI less seriously, and a lower desire to be a good example to others with MHI. Results with statistics can be found in Table 2. There were no significant differences in reported needs for future disclosure, based on disclosure intention. Factors associated with non-disclosure to a supervisor For personnel with MHI, the logistic regression model with the dependent variable non-disclosure, was statistically significant (c2(24)=149.30,p<.001) and explained 55.0% (NagelkerkeR2) of the variance in non-disclosure and correctly classified 85.% of cases. Sensitivity was 59.5% and specificity 93.9%. The following background variables were significantly associated with non-disclosure: lower symptom severity, having a partner, and lower employee-supervisor relationship quality. Additionally, the following beliefs and attitudes pro non-disclosure were positively associated with non-disclosure: preference for privacy, preference for self-management, and stigma related concerns. Finally, the following beliefs and attitudes pro disclosure were negatively associated with non-disclosure: importance given to disclosure advice from others, MHI having impact on occupational functioning, and feelings of responsibility due to the nature of work.