
112 5 CHAPTER 5 For personnel without MHI, the ordinal logistic regression model with the dependent variable non-disclosure intention, was statistically significant (c2(23)=346.90,p<.001) and explained 53.5% (NagelkerkeR2) of the variance in non-disclosure intention and correctly classified 66.4% of cases. The following background variables were significantly associated with non-disclosure intention: not having positive earlier experience with disclosing something personal to a supervisor, having seen negative experiences of others with disclosure, and lower employee-supervisor relationship quality. Additionally, the following beliefs and attitudes pro non-disclosure were positively associated with non-disclosure intentions: preference for privacy, preference for self-management, stigma related concerns and finding it difficult to talk about MHI. Finally, the following beliefs and attitudes pro disclosure were negatively associated with non-disclosure intentions: supervisor who takes MHI seriously, needing work accommodations, wanting to be authentic self, and wanting to be an example to others with MHI. All results with statistics can be found in Table 3.