
132 6 CHAPTER 6 Job satisfaction Job satisfaction was measured with a single item ‘In general, how satisfied are you with your job’ on a 5-point scale ranging from ‘very unsatisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’, following earlier research (45). Authenticity Authenticity, the degree to which a person acts in agreement with one’s true self, was measured using the self-alienation sub-scale from the full I AM WORK scale (46). For example, one of the items was ‘At work, I feel alienated’. Authenticity is important for sustainable employability and well-being at work (46). The subscale consists of 4 items on a 7-point scale ranging from ‘completely does not apply to me’ to ‘completely applies to me’. Items were recoded such that a higher score, indicates more authenticity. The mean was used for further analyses. Capability set for work The capability set for work is a more novel measure of sustainable employability (2, 8, 9). It measures a person’s values, whether they are given the opportunity by their work environment to realize this value, and whether they can personally manage to realize the value. The values are part of a person’s capability set when the participant finds the value important, they are given the opportunity to realize it, and they can personally manage to realize it. In that case, the value is given a score 1. The sum score of all the values was used as an indication for the capability set for work, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 7. Research shows this questionnaire is a valid measure for assessing a worker’s sustainable employability, with higher scores relating to higher sustainable employability (9). Statistical analyses All analyses were performed using SPSS. To test the association between disclosure decision and the measures of sustainable employability and well-being at work (research question 1), separate hierarchical linear regressions were performed per measure. The following variables were entered as the independent variables in step 1 of the hierarchical linear regression: demographics (gender, age, education), work context (combat unit vs. combat support unit, work demands), health variables (current vs. past MI, symptom severity) and disclosure decision (disclosure vs. non-disclosure). For job satisfaction an ordinal logistic regression was performed, as job satisfaction was not normally distributed. Job satisfaction included 5 categories ranging from ‘very unsatisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’. To test the association between disclosure experience (positive vs. negative) and the measures of sustainable employability and well-being at work (research question 2), the