147 6 DISCLOSURE AND SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYABILITY AND WELL-BEING AT WORK Appendix B. Mental illness and substance abuse scores. Military personnel who indicated having (had) MI (N=324) N % Type of mental illness as reported by military personnel themselves Anxiety (incl. obsessive compulsive disorder) 111 34.3 Depression (incl. manic and bipolar) 146 45.1 Burn-out 176 54.3 Stress 260 80.3 Exhaustion 205 63.3 Post traumatic stress disorder 55 17.0 Psychotic disorders 3 .9 Personality disorder 77 23.8 Autism 16 5.0 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 34 10.5 Eating disorder 10 3.1 Substance abuse 56 17.3 Current type of mental illness based on measures of mental health HADS_depression 59 18.2 HADS_anxiety 65 20.1 Assist_lite_tobacco 48 14.8 Assist_lite_alcohol 50 15.4 Assist_lite_cannabis 1 .3 Assist_lite_amphetamine 2 .6 Assist_lite_sleepmedication 8 2.5 Assist_lite_streetdrug 0 0.0 Audit_C 13 4.0 PCL-5 score 19 5.9