
20 CHAPTER 1 1 Therefore, this thesis will be divided into the following chapters. Chapter 1 provides a general introduction to the topics of the thesis. This is followed by two chapters about treatment-seeking for MHI in the military. Chapter 2 discusses a qualitative focus group study on treatment-seeking. This study examined the barriers to and facilitators for treatment-seeking, from multiple perspectives – military personnel with and without MHI and mental health professionals. Following, Chapter 3 discusses a quantitative questionnaire study on treatment-seeking in the military. This study examined the attitudes, beliefs, and needs of military personnel with and without MHI regarding treatment-seeking. The next chapters are about the disclosure of MHI to a supervisor in the military. Chapter 4 consists of a qualitative focus group study on disclosure. This study examined barriers to and facilitators for disclosure from multiple perspectives – military personnel with and without MHI and mental health professionals. This is followed by Chapter 5, a quantitative questionnaire study on disclosure. This study examined the attitudes, beliefs, and needs of military personnel with and without MHI regarding disclosure to a supervisor. Chapter 6 will provide insight into disclosure, sustainable employment, and well-being at work. Specifically, it will discuss a quantitative questionnaire study that examined disclosure decisions, disclosure experiences, and their association with several measures of sustainable employment and well-being at work. Finally, Chapter 7 will consist of a general discussion of the findings of this thesis and place them in a broader context. Strengths and limitations will be discussed, together with implications for practice, implications for policy, and recommendations for future research.