
58 3 CHAPTER 3 Table 1. Continued Military personnel without MI Total Intention to seek treatment No intention to seek treatment Difference N % N %/total %/treatment seekers N %/total %/non-treatment seekers 554 63.4 460 83.0 100 94 17 100 Military Branch Marine 91 16.4 77 84.6 16.7 14 15.4 14.9 N/A, >20% cells expected count below 5. Army 236 42.6 192 81.4 41.7 44 18.6 46.8 Air-force 135 24.4 116 85.9 25.2 19 14.1 20.2 Military-police 26 4.7 21 80.8 4.6 5 19.2 5.3 Staff 64 11.6 52 81.3 11.3 12 26.1 12.8 Other 2 .4 2 100.0 .4 0 0 0 Ranks Military personnel 34 6.1 26 76.5 5.7 8 23.5 8.5 χ2(2)=2.76, p =.251 Non-commissioned officers 257 46.4 220 85.6 47.8 37 14.4 39.4 Officers 263 47.5 214 81.4 46.5 49 18.6 52.1 Years of service (M, SD) Years 21.73 (9.673) 22.01 (9.646) 20.34 (9.739) U = 23724.50, Z = 1.49, p = .136. *Fisher exact test used instead of Pearson chi-square because >20 % of cells had expected count below 5. ** Significant effect after Bonferroni correction ( a/11) alpha = .005.