61 3 TREATMENT SEEKING IN THE MILITARY - A QUANTITATIVE STUDY Table 2. Continued Military personnel with mental illness Total (N=324) Treatment-seekers (N=294) Non treatment-seekers (N=30) Difference N (%) N (%) M (SD) N (%) M (SD) U Z Sig. Confidentiality: I was afraid that mental health professionals would not handle what I told them as confidential. 43 (13.3) 38 (12.9) 1.66 (.79) 5 (16.7) 1.77 (.90) 4174 -.53 .595 Treatment seeker specific statements Symptom severity: I had no choice, my symptoms were too severe. 202 (N/A) 202 (68.7) 2.80 (.91) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sent to care: I had no choice, I want sent to treatment by someone else. 77 (N/A) 77 (26.2) 1.97 (.93) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Military personnel without mental illness Total (N=554) Treatment-seeking intention (N=460) No treatment-seeking intention (N=94) Difference N (%) N (%) M (SD) N (%) M (SD) U Z Sig. Attitudes Advice others: The advice I would receive from others about seeking treatment, would be of influence on my decision. 454 (82.0) 382 (83.0) 2.95 (.63) 72 (76.6) 2.81 (.61) 19177 -2.11 .035 Self-management: I would prefer to solve my own problems. 351 (63.4) 271 (58.9) 2.65 (.72) 80 (85.1) 3.12 (.76) 14112.5 -5.79 .000 ** Be example: I would want to be a good example for others (with mental illness). 315 (56.9) 285 (62.0) 2.66 (.76) 30 (31.9) 2.18 (.83) 14589.5 -5.38 .000 ** Self-stigma: I would see myself as weak due to my mental illness. 146 (26.4) 94 (20.4) 1.90 (.73) 52 (55.3) 2.46 (.84) 13574 -6.10 .000 ** Shame: I would be ashamed of my mental illness. 129 (23.3) 80 (17.4) 1.88 (.69) 49 (52.1) 2.39 (.90) 14429 -5.51 .000 ** Denial: I would deny my mental illness. 92 (16.6) 52 (11.3) 1.83 (.62) 40 (42.6) 2.31 (.67) 13638 -6.37 .000 ** Beliefs Social support: I would be supported by people around me. 533 (96.2) 445 (96.7) 3.38 (.58) 88 (93.6) 3.27 (.61) 19445.5 -1.76 .078 Belief treatment: I believe that treatment is effective for mental illness. 529 (95.5) 451 (98.0) 3.31 (.53) 78 (83.0) 2.95 (.58) 15082.5 -5.56 .000 **