
CONTENT Chapter 1 General introduction Chapter 2 Barriers and facilitators for treatment-seeking for mental health conditions and substance misuse: multi-perspective focus group study within the military Chapter 3 Seeking treatment for mental illness and substance abuse: A crosssectional study on attitudes, beliefs, and needs of military personnel with and without mental illness Chapter 4 The Decision (not) to Disclose Mental Health Conditions or Substance Abuse in the Work Environment. A multi-perspective focus group study within the military. Chapter 5 Mental health issues and illness and substance use disorder (non-) disclosure to a supervisor: A cross-sectional study on beliefs, attitudes and needs of military personnel. Chapter 6 Workplace mental health disclosure, sustainable employability and wellbeing at work: a cross-sectional study among military personnel with mental illness. Chapter 7 General conclusions and discussion Chapter 8 Summary Chapter 9 Nederlandse samenvatting Chapter 10 Dankwoord About the author Over de auteur List of publications 9 27 47 77 99 125 153 177 191 205 206 210 211 212