
96 4 CHAPTER 4 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Topic List Introduction to the topic. ‘How prevalent do you think mental health conditions and substance abuse are within the military?’ ‘What types of mental health conditions and substance abuse do you think are common within the military?’ Experiences/associations with the topic. ‘What are your experiences (associations) with the decision to disclose mental health conditions and substance abuse?’ Barriers for disclosure. ‘What are barriers in the decision to disclose mental health conditions and substance abuse?’ Example probes used when needed: What are possible disadvantages of disclosure? How would disclosure influence someone’s career? What role does a supervisor play in the decision to disclose? What are consequences of disclosure within the military? Facilitators for disclosure. ‘What are facilitators in the decision to disclose mental health conditions and substance abuse?’ Example probes used when needed: What are possible advantages of disclosure? What role does someone’s social environment play in the decision to disclose? What are possible positive consequences of disclosure? Future needs as a closure of the topic. ‘What is needed in the future to assist soldiers with the decision to disclose mental health conditions and substance abuse within the military?’. Note: Per focus group the questions were formulated slightly differently to make them suitable for the participants of that specific focus group. This means that for the military personnel with mental health conditions and substance abuse the questions were directed at their own experiences, for military personnel without mental health conditions and substance abuse the questions were directed at their experiences in general and with colleagues, and for professionals who provide mental health care the questions were directed at their experiences with the people they provide care for. All questions were asked in Dutch during the focus group.