
218 the selection of the teachers, collection of the study material, analysis process and quality criteria. The aim of gaining insight into the practical knowledge of philosophy teachers and to develop an analytical framework for this resulted in an interpretative study, in other words: the aim of the study is to give meaning to what is being studied. It is also a qualitative study, which means that the research material consists of interviews and video recordings that were analysed in a qualitative manner. The study process was of a hermeneutic nature since there was ongoing interaction between the ideas I got from the literature and the ideas I got from practical experience. The analytical framework and the research questions did not precede the collection of the empirical material but were constructed during the process of organizing the research material. Finally, this study could also be described as a cross case analysis, because the eight practices are compared in the analysis. Distilling information from practical knowledge is difficult, and for various reasons. The first of these is that practical knowledge comprises not only explicit knowledge but implicit knowledge as well. The second reason is that teaching situations are complex: in a classroom setting, a lot happens at the same time, and during a lesson teachers make a great many decisions without having time to reflect on their actions. The stimulated recall method addressed both problems: watching a recording of the lesson gave teachers the opportunity to reflect on their actions and allowed them to express verbally considerations that most commonly remain implicit. Making portraits allowed us to do justice to the individual teaching practices of the teachers by presenting the views as well as the teaching practice of the teachers as a coherent whole. The most important criteria in the selection of interview and lesson fragments for the portraits were whether they related to ‘room to think’ and whether they represented the teaching practice and the views of the teacher in question well. The focus here was on the classroom discussion during the philosophy lesson. Codes were used to organize the research material. This allowed the teachers to be compared with reference to different themes. The primary quality criterion for this kind of research is trustworthiness - the veracity of the data. This was guaranteed in a number of ways: the portraits were submitted to the teachers, for example, and the research material was collected in different ways (triangulation). The third chapter comprises the portraits of the eight philosophy teachers. These portraits present the views on teaching and the individual teaching style and manner