4 107 Neural and affective responses to prolonged eye contact with parents and unfamiliar others in depressed and non-depressed adolescents SUPPLEMENT S4.5 Questionnaire details Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) Adolescents’ severity of depressive symptoms was assessed with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) after the scan session (62). The questionnaire includes nine items corresponding with the nine symptoms of a major depressive disorder in DSM-IV. Adolescents were asked to assess how much they were bothered by the symptoms over the past two weeks. Answers were given on a Likert scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 3 (nearly every day). The sum score could range from 0-27, with higher scores representing a higher depression severity. The PHQ-9 has been validated and internal consistency and test-retest reliability are excellent and criterion, construct and external validity were established (62). PHQ-9 scores of ≥ 15 were indicated as within the clinical range. The internal consistency in the current sample was α = 0.92. Sum scores were log-transformed to account for skewness. Screen for Child Anxiety Related to Emotional Disorders (SCARED) Adolescents’ severity of anxiety symptoms was assessed with an adapted version of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders for (SCARED) prior to the first assessment day (Birmaher et al., 1997; Muris et al., 2007). This version was based on the original 71-item version of the SCARED (Bodden et al., 2009), and includes 31 items from the subscales panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety. Adolescents were asked to assess to what extent the sentences were reflecting their current situation. Answers were given on a Likert-scale from 0 (Not true or hardly even true) to 2 (very true or often true). The total score is computed by summing up all items and could range from 0-62, with higher scores representing a higher anxiety severity. A total score of ≥ 20 was indicated as within the clinical range. The internal validity and reliability have been established (Birmaher et al., 1997). The internal consistency in the current sample was α = 0.94. Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) Adolescents’ perspective on the parent-child bond was assessed with the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) prior to the first assessment day (Parker et al., 1979). Adolescents were asked to report on perceived parenting styles of the parent of whom videos were shown in the eye contact task. The instrument consists of three subscales: Parental care (12 items), parental overprotection (6 items), and autonomy support (6 items) of parents. One item of the autonomy support scale (“my mother/father don’t want me to grow up”) was left out due to a programming issue in the questionnaire. A total score and a score per subscale were computed for all adolescents by summing all items. The internal validity and reliability have been established (Arrindell et al., 1998; Enns et al., 2002). The internal consistency of the PBI in the current sample