5 135 Neural signatures of parental empathic responses to imagined suffering of their adolescent child despite mean differences in empathic concern and empathic distress ratings (see Supplement S5.9). Figure 5.4 Whole-brain results for the main effect of ‘perspective’. Main effect of ‘perspective’ revealed significant clusters of activation in left precuneus, vmPFC, right IFG, right MFG, and right SFG. Whole-brain analyses were thresholded at p <.05 (FWE cluster-corrected using a cluster-forming threshold of p <.001). Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Significant p-values <.05 were indicated by *, p <.01 by **, and p <.001 by ***. Associations with perceived parental care To examine whether parental care, as perceived by the adolescent child, was associated with individual differences in empathy-related neural responses, we correlated parental care with brain activation in the ROIs for the own child specifically (i.e., extracted BOLD-response of own child minus unfamiliar child perspective). Spearman rank-order correlation analyses revealed no significant correlations between parental care and neural activity towards the own child versus