
5 143 Neural signatures of parental empathic responses to imagined suffering of their adolescent child SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS SUPPLEMENT S5.1-A Overview unpleasant situations empathy task The sentences were categorized per stimulus type (i.e., physical and social). Physically unpleasant sentences (n = 8) Socially unpleasant sentences (n = 8) [perspective] broke his/her leg [perspective] is alone on his/her birthday [perspective] had a traffic accident [perspective] is feeling very lonely [perspective] suffers from an infection [perspective] was bullied by others [perspective] suffers from a concussion [perspective] has nobody to talk to [perspective] was beaten down [perspective] was upset [perspective] has a very high fever [perspective] was humiliated by others [perspective] broke his/her tooth [perspective] is feeling excluded [perspective] was pushed from the stairs [perspective] came home crying Note. The perspective either included the self (“you”), parents’ own child (“[name of own child]”) or an unfamiliar child (“Lotte/Lucas”). Sentences described above were English translations based on the original Dutch sentences.