148 Chapter 5 Brain regions MNI-coordinates Voxel test value Cluster p-value Cluster size x y z Z R Inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part 51 41 8 6.15 <.001 5420 R Inferior frontal gyrus, orbital part 57 41 -5 4.51 R Inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part 53 27 29 4.39 L Middle cingulate gyrus -2 -30 44 5.83 <.001 3930 L Middle cingulate gyrus 0 -35 36 5.77 L Middle cingulate gyrus 0 -17 44 4.50 R Middle temporal gyrus 62 -45 -8 5.58 <.001 2314 R Middle temporal gyrus 62 -54 -5 5.14 R Middle temporal gyrus 69 -35 -9 4.60 L Inferior parietal gyrus -56 -44 39 5.29 <.001 5109 L Supramarginal gyrus -60 -36 36 5.07 L Inferior parietal gyrus -51 -47 45 4.94 R Supramarginal gyrus 51 -45 44 5.08 <.001 3428 R Superior parietal gyrus 35 -62 50 4.85 R Angular gyrus 41 -56 51 4.81 L Precentral gyrus -44 11 30 5.01 .006 857 L Anterior cingulate cortex, pregenual -3 41 23 4.62 <.001 1839 R Superior frontal gyrus, medial 5 35 38 3.97 L Superior frontal gyrus, medial 3 26 50 3.93 R Superior temporal gyrus 65 5 -6 3.93 .009 786 R Insula 42 18 -9 3.66 R Inferior frontal gyrus, opercular part 63 12 6 3.64 Interaction ‘perspective’ × ‘stimulus type’ L Insula -27 18 -15 5.20 .003 861 L Inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part -45 38 0 4.17 L Superior temporal gyrus -42 24 -23 3.61 R Superior frontal gyrus, medial 11 50 27 4.48 .001 1075 L Superior frontal gyrus, medial -11 35 30 4.16 L Superior frontal gyrus, medial -5 39 27 3.92 R Posterior orbitofrontal gyrus 1 41 24 -17 3.77 .048 468 R Superior temporal gyrus 50 18 -18 3.48 R Posterior orbitofrontal gyrus 42 30 -24 3.43 Note. The Automated Anatomical Labeling atlas (AAL3) by Rolls et al. (2019) was used to label the peakcoordinates. 1 Adding handedness, gender of parents, current psychopathology or psychotropic medication status to the model led to the loss of significance in the right posterior orbitofrontal gyrus.