
5 149 Neural signatures of parental empathic responses to imagined suffering of their adolescent child SUPPLEMENT S5.5 Brain results at region of interest level for the main effect of ‘perspective’ and ‘stimulus type’ A) Schematic overview of ROI spheres in the affective empathy network in red and the cognitive empathy network in green. B) Parameter estimates of BOLD-responses in ROIs in the cogntive empathy network where the perspective of imagined suffering impacted on activity in the regions (i.e., main effect of ‘perspective’ in bilateral TPJ, bilateral dmPFC and vmPFC). C) Parameter estimates of BOLD-responses in ROIs in the affective empathy network (i.e., main effect of ‘sitmulus type’ in right AI). All ROI results were Bonferroni corrected and post-hoc results were corrected for the number of tests (p <.05/8). Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Significant p-values <.05 were indicated by *, p <.01 by **, and p <.001 by ***.