
6 171 Eyes on you: ensuring empathic accuracy or signaling empathy? SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS SUPPLEMENT S6.1 Inclusion criteria were applied to the adolescent and included being aged between 11 and 17 years, and living with at least one of their parents. All adolescents were screened on current and lifetime psychopathology with the Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and SchizophreniaPresent and Lifetime Version (K-SADS PL; Kaufman et al. (1996)). Adolescents without psychopathology and their parents were included in the study if the adolescents did not meet criteria for any (neuro)psychiatric disorder in the two years leading up to the study, and had no lifetime diagnoses of MDD/dysthymia. Adolescents with psychopathology and their parents were included if the adolescent met criteria for a current, primary diagnosis of MDD/dysthymia according to the K-SADS.