
174 Chapter 6 SUPPLEMENT S6.4 Empathic accuracy and gaze data for positive and negative videos All videos Positive videos Negative videos Differences in valence 1 Mean (SD) n = 981 n = 486 n = 495 t p EA (Fisher z transformed) All 0.84 (0.40) 1.09 (0.45) 0.63 (0.51) 8.25 <.001 Males 0.79 (0.44) 1.03 (0.51) 0.53 (0.53) 5.52 <.001 Females 0.93 (0.35) 1.15 (0.40) 0.70 (0.49) 6.13 <.001 Dwell time face AOI, % All 85.70 (8.65) 85.34 (8.79) 86.05 (8.74) -2.43 .015 Males 85.56 (9.04) 84.97 (9.29) 86.15 (9.02) -2.67 .007 Females 85.81 (8.40) 85.64 (8.42) 85.96 (8.57) -0.91 .363 Dwell time eyes AOI, % All 33.38 (18.49) 31.39 (17.76) 35.39 (19.67) -6.15 <.001 Males 32.60 (20.69) 30.60 (20.03) 34.59 (21.73) -4.49 <.001 Females 34.02 (16.65) 32.02 (15.82) 36.04 (17.99) -4.22 <.001 Dwell time mouth AOI, % All 15.79 (15.14) 15.58 (14.86) 16.02 (15.56) -1.18 .240 Males 17.40 (17.00) 17.08 (16.74) 17.74 (17.35) -0.57 .569 Females 14.48 (13.45) 14.36 (13.15) 14.62 (13.93) -1.07 .287 Individual state empathy and affect ratings after each video Empathic concern 5.05 (1.44) 4.95 (1.42) 5.14 (1.47) -2.52 .012 Perspective taking 5.19 (1.41) 5.11 (1.42) 5.27 (1.39) -2.13 .033 Happy 4.11 (1.60) 4.92 (1.30) 3.28 (1.45) 22.13 <.001 Sad 2.25 (1.56) 1.56 (1.00) 2.96 (1.71) -18.89 <.001 Irritated 1.61 (1.13) 1.59 (1.14) 1.63 (1.13) -0.91 .366 Relaxed 5.06 (1.45) 5.27 (1.39) 4.83 (1.47) 7.17 <.001 Note. AOI, area of interest; EA, empathic accuracy; SD, standard deviation. 1 Differences in valence were calculated by generalized linear mixed regression models and were tested without covariates in the model.