
176 Chapter 6 SUPPLEMENT S6.6 Generalized linear mixed regression model to assess the influence of valence, target expressivity, and empathic concern and perspective taking of perceivers on the level of EA (Fisher z transformed) B SE df t p Model 1 Intercept1 0.63 0.05 235.6 13.22 <.001 Valencepositive 0.46 0.06 881.9 8.25 <.001 Model 2 Intercept1 -0.92 0.16 959.7 5.75 <.001 BEQ -0.01 0.04 883.7 -0.35 .730 Model 3 Intercept1 0.81 0.15 104.4 5.48 <.001 Empathic concern 0.01 0.01 103.5 0.34 .733 Model 4 Intercept1 0.82 0.16 106.8 5.30 <.001 Perspective taking 0.01 0.01 106.7 0.26 .796 1 The intercept includes perceivers’ level of empathic accuracy (Fisher z transformed) during negative autobiographical stories.