28 Chapter 2 adolescent and at least one of the parents/caregivers were willing to participate in the study and had a good command of the Dutch language. Families were explicitly asked to participate with both parents/caregivers, if possible, although this was no requirement for inclusion. Adolescents were required to be aged between 11 and 17 years at study inclusion and to live with at least one of their parents/caregivers. Families with an adolescent without psychopathology were included in the study if they were not diagnosed with a (neuro)psychiatric disorder in the two years leading up to the study and had no lifetime diagnosis of MDD or dysthymia. Families with an adolescent with MDD/dysthymia were included in the study if the adolescent met criteria for one of these current primary diagnoses, verified with the Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS; Kaufman et al. (1996)). Families could not participate if the adolescent met criteria for a primary diagnosis of a current (neuro)psychiatric disorder other than MDD or dysthymia, or a comorbid psychosis, substance use disorder or mental retardation. Additionally, exclusion criteria for the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) part of the study were incompatibilities with MRI scanning (e.g., metal implants, pregnancy). The present study focused on fMRI data collected during the scan session both from parents of adolescents with and without psychopathology in this larger study. Eighty-five parents participated in this study. Six parents were excluded from data analyses due to brain abnormalities (n = 1), ending the scan session due to symptoms of sleep apnea (n = 1), incomplete datasets (n = 3), and an a posteriori clinical diagnosis of the adolescent other than a primary diagnosis of MDD or dysthymia (n = 1). This resulted in a final sample of 79 parents of adolescents, including 44 mothers (Mage = 48.03 years, SDage = 3.89) and 35 fathers (Mage = 52.19 years, SDage = 4.47). See Table 2.1 for details on sample demographics. The study was approved by the medical ethical committee of the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) (P17.241) and was performed in accordance with the declaration of Helsinki and the Dutch Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO).