48 Chapter 2 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS SUPPLEMENT S2.1 Assessment of covariates for current psychopathology, psychotropic medication status, and handedness in parents Current psychopathology Parental current Axis-I psychopathology based on DSM-IV was assessed with the full version of the semistructured Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI; Dutch version 5.0.0), except for the optional module about antisocial personality disorders (Sheehan et al., 1998). The interview was taken by trained Psychology Master students who held the interview face-to-face during the first visit. Current psychopathology was coded as a binary variable (0 = no current psychopathology, 1 = current psychopathology) and was used to control for in the analyses. Eight parents fulfilled criteria for a current psychiatric disorder, i.e., obsessive-compulsive disorder (n = 1), dysthymia (n = 1), alcohol or drugs dependency (n = 2), panic disorder (n = 1), generalized anxiety disorder (n = 3). Two parents fulfilled criteria for multiple current mental disorders, including mania, generalized anxiety disorder, and alcohol- and drugs dependency (n = 1) and depression, mania, and social phobia (n = 1). In total, eight parents suffered from internalizing psychopathology (10.1% of total sample) and two parents suffered from externalizing psychopathology (2.5% of total sample). Psychotropic medication Seven parents used psychotropic medication at the day of the scan session, i.e., Citalopram (SSRI, n = 5), Venlafaxine (SNRI, n = 1), Concerta (Methylphenidate, n = 1). Handedness Handedness was assessed by a modified 10-item version of the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (EHI) developed by Oldfield (1971). The self-report questionnaire consists of ten questions about which hand is used during specific actions and answer categories were always left (−100), most times left (-50), both (0), most times right (50), and always right (100). Sum scores were calculated by the following formula for the laterality quotient (LQ): [R-L]/[R + L] × 100 and ranged from to −100 (left-handedness in all tasks) to +100 (right-handedness in all tasks). To convert the continuous laterality quotient into a dichotomous variable of left- and right-handedness that was used to control for in analyses we used the cut-off score of zero with quotients > 0 indicating right-handedness and < 0 indicating left-handedness. In the current sample, 71 parents were right handed (89.9%) and 8 parents were left handed (10.1%).