80 Chapter 3 SUPPLEMENT S3.7 Assessment of covariates psychotropic medication status, handedness, severity of anxiety- and depression symptoms, and self-esteem levels Psychotropic medication Seven participants used psychotropic medication at the day of the scan session, i.e., Citalopram (SSRI, n = 5), Venlafaxine (SNRI, n = 1), Concerta (Methylphenidate, n = 1). Handedness Handedness was assessed after the scan by a modified 10-item version of the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (EHI) developed by Oldfield (1971). The self-report questionnaire consists of ten questions about which hand is used during specific actions. Answer categories were always left (−100), most times left (-50), both (0), most times right (50), and always right (100). Sum scores were calculated by the following formula for the laterality quotient (LQ): [R-L]/[R + L] × 100 and could range from −100 (left-handedness in all tasks) to +100 (right-handedness in all tasks). To convert the continuous laterality quotient into a dichotomous variable of left- and right-handedness that was used to control for in analyses we used the cut-off score of zero with quotients > 0 indicating right-handedness and < 0 indicating left-handedness. In the current sample, 71 participants were right-handed (89.9%) and 8 participants were left-handed (10.1%). Anxiety severity Prior to the assessment day in the lab, the severity of participants’ anxiety symptoms was assessed with an adjusted version of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders for Adults (SCARED-A; Van Steensel and Bögels (2014)). This version was based on the original 71-item version of the SCARED (Bodden et al., 2009), and includes 31 items of the original 71 items that derived from the subscales panic disorder, generalized anxiety and social anxiety. Participants were asked to assess to what extent the sentences were reflecting their current situation. Answers were given on a Likert scale ranging from: Not true or hardly even true (0), somewhat true or sometimes true (1), and very true or often true (2). The sum score could range from 0-62, with higher scores representing a higher anxiety severity. The SCARED-A has been validated in a Dutch sample and internal consistency, convergent, and divergent validity are good (Van Steensel & Bögels, 2014). SCARED-A scores of ≥ 20 were indicated as within the clinical range. The internal consistency in the current sample was α = 0.91. Sum scores were log-transformed to account for skewness. Depression severity After the scan, participants’ severity of depressive symptoms was assessed with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) (Kroenke et al., 2001). The questionnaire includes nine items