
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 General introduction 9 Chapter 2 Neural and affective responses to prolonged eye contact with one’s own adolescent child and unfamiliar others 23 Chapter 3 Looking into troubled waters: Childhood emotional maltreatment modulates neural responses to prolonged gazing into one’s own, but not others’, eyes 55 Chapter 4 Neural and affective responses to prolonged eye contact with parents and unfamiliar others in depressed and non-depressed adolescents 85 Chapter 5 Neural signatures of parental empathic responses to imagined suffering of their adolescent child 117 Chapter 6 Eyes on you: Ensuring empathic accuracy or signaling empathy? 155 Chapter 7 Summary and general discussion 183 Chapter 8 Appendices Dutch summary | Nederlandse samenvatting 204 References 217 About the author | Curriculum Vitae 245 List of publications 246 Acknowledgements | Dankwoord 249