90 Chapter 4 the button corresponding to their left index finger. Prior to the task, adolescents answered all abovementioned questions in response to pictures of each target with a direct gaze. We included this baseline measure to ascertain whether increases in affect could be attributed to making prolonged eye contact relative to baseline. Stimulus presentation and simultaneous eye movement recordings were conducted using E-Prime 2.0 software (Psychology Software Tools, Pittsburgh, PA, United States) and the screen resolution was 1024×768 pixels. The videos were presented on the screen in 960×540 pixels. Table 4.1 Demographics and clinical characteristics of depressed (DEP) and non-depressed (HC) adolescents. HC DEP HC vs. DEP1 Mean (SD) / n (%) (n = 59) (n = 19) t / χ2 p Age adolescents, years 16.20 (1.21) 16.04 (1.50) 0.45 .650 Age parents, years 49.90 (5.17) 50.82 (4.81) -0.69 .495 Gender adolescents Girls, n (%) 39 (66.1) 15 (79.0) 1.11 .291 Current educational level 2.00 .788 Lower vocational 7 (11.86) 3 (15.79) - - Higher vocational 17 (28.81) 3 (15.79) - - Pre-university 28 (47.46) 9 (47.37) - - Secondary vocational 5 (8.48) 3 (15.79) - - Higher professional 2 (3.39) 1 (5.26) - - Handedness (EHI) Right-handed, n (%) 54 (91.53) 18 (94.74) 0.21 1.00 Pubertal development (PDS) 3.26 (0.63) 3.47 (0.62) -1.27 .209 Depression severity (PHQ-9) 4.32 (2.54) 17.90 (4.05) -17.32 <.001 Anxiety severity (SCARED) 12.32 (7.27) 34.21 (9.21) -10.67 <.001 Parental-child bonding (PBI) Care 30.90 (5.12) 26.47 (5.99) 3.13 .003 Overprotection 3.41 (2.24) 7.26 (4.07) -5.22 <.001 Lack of autonomy support 3.52 (2.57) 5.05 (4.55) -1.84 .070 Note. DEP, Depressed adolescents; EHI, Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldfield, 1971); HC, Healthy control or non-depressed adolescents; PBI, Parental Bonding Instrument (Parker et al., 1979); PDS, Pubertal Development Scale (Petersen et al., 1988); PHQ-9; Patient Health Questionnaire (Kroenke et al., 2001); SCARED, Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (Simon & Bögels, 2009); SD, Standard deviation. 1 p-values were obtained using independent samples t-tests or Chi-square comparisons between depressed and non-depressed adolescents.