
162 Chapter 9 Table 11. Overview number of participants Team Team members (n) Participants (n) In each MCD session Individual interviews Focus groups Euro-MCD questionnaire at T0 Euro-MCD questionnaire at T1 Amsterdam 30 - 3 9 28 20 Leiden 7 - 3 6 6 2 Total 37 10 to 15 6 15 34 22 MCD refers to moral case deliberation; ‘-’ refers to no data available. Design We used a mixed method research design consisting of a qualitative and a quantitative component. In each of these, the stakeholders evaluated the MCD sessions (Morse, Niehaus, Wolfe, & Wilkins, 2006). We collected data in four different ways (table 12). To answer the first, second, and third research questions, we used the qualitative data recorded on audiotapes of the MCD sessions and collected during the individual interviews and focus groups. In order to answer the fourth research question, we used data obtained from the Euro-MCD questionnaires, the individual interviews, and the focus groups. Table 12. Overview of the dataset Data collection method Moment in time n Type of data Amount Audiotapes of MCD sessions 6 Transcript 4 Summary for member check 6 Individual interviews 6 Transcript 6 Summary for member check 6 Observational note 4 Focus groups 2 Transcript 2 Summary for member check 2 Observational note 2 Euro-MCD questionnaire T0; prior to the MCD sessions 34 Questionnaire 34 T1; after participating in two to four MCD sessions 22 Questionnaire 22 MCD refers to moral case deliberation. Audiotapes of moral case deliberation sessions From October 2013 until January 2015, the transgender teams for children and adolescents organized six MCD sessions which were incorporated into this research project. The MCD sessions were structured according to the dilemma method (Stolper et al., 2016), lasted