
173 Dealing with moral challenges in treatment for transgender children and adolescents: evaluating the role of moral case deliberation 9 Table 13. Outcomes of Euro-MCD questionnaire at T0 and T1; outcomes as described in the f ixedchoice questions of Euro-MCD questionnaire (including the corresponding number) Outcomes described most often as ‘important’ or ‘very important’ before starting with MCD sessions (T0, n = 34) Percentage assessed as ‘important’ or ‘very important’ 8. Better mutual understanding of each other’s reasoning and acting 2. More open communication among co-workers 13. Enables me and my co-workers to decide on concrete actions in order to manage the ethical difficult situations 97% 91% 89% Outcomes described most often as ‘not important’ or ‘a little important’ before starting with MCD sessions (T0, n = 34) Percentage assessed as ‘not important’ or ‘somewhat important’ 12. Enhances my understanding of ethical theories (ethical principles, values and norms) 4. Enables me to better manage the stress caused by ethical difficult situations 17. I listen more seriously to others’ opinions 66% 63% 61% Most often experienced outcomes during the MCD sessions (T1, n = 22) Percentage assessed as ‘reasonably experienced’ or ‘highly experienced’ 10. I and my co-workers become more aware of recurring ethical difficult situations 8. Better mutual understanding of each other’s reasoning and acting 2. More open communication among co-workers 85% 84% 82% Least often experienced outcomes during the MCD sessions (T1, n = 22) Percentage assessed as ‘not experienced’ or ‘experienced to some extent’ 19. Strengthens my self-confidence when managing ethical difficult situations 12. Enhances my understanding of ethical theories (ethical principles, values and norms) 4. Enables me to better manage the stress caused by ethical difficult situations 67% 65% 63% Most often experienced outcomes after the MCD sessions in their daily work (T1, n = 22) Percentage assessed as ‘reasonably experienced’ or ‘highly experienced’ 9. I see the ethical difficult situations from different perspectives 10. I and my co-workers become more aware of recurring ethical difficult situations 24. Enhances mutual respect amongst co-workers 55% 55% 55% Least often experienced outcomes after the MCD sessions in their daily work (T1, n = 22) Percentage assessed as ‘not experienced’ or ‘experienced to some extent’ 4. Enables me to better manage the stress caused by ethical difficult situations 13. Enables me and my co-workers to decide on concrete actions in order to manage the ethical difficult situations 12. Enhances my understanding of ethical theories (ethical principles, values and norms) 85% 75% 75% MCD refers to moral case deliberation.