222 Appendix A APPENDIX A Data analysis All interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. Before each interview informed consent for participation and tape recording was obtained. The interviews took between 50 and 90 minutes to administer. Data analysis was based on the constant comparative method (Corbin & Strauss, 2014; Malterud, 2001). We used an iterative process wherein we continually went back to the field and interviewed new participants to collect more data. The following processes of data gathering and analyses were used: (1) interviews; (2) questionnaires; (3) transcription of the interview data; (4) open coding, which involved identifying relevant concepts in the text; (5) constant comparison of open codes, looking for conceptual similarities and differences; (6) identification of emerging themes and a theoretical framework; (7) continued sampling and interviewing as theoretical categories emerged and novel questions arose; and (8) continued coding and comparison of codes until nothing new was added to the theoretical categories. Data collection continued as long as new information came up. After no new content was found in the interviews and questionnaires, subject enrolment was stopped. This process, called thematic saturation, is a well-described qualitative method to avoid unnecessarily large and repetitive data sets (Guest et al., 2006).