
65 Assessing medical decision-making competence in transgender minors 4 Table 4. Comparison of characteristics of participating and non-participating adolescents MacCAT-T Variables Participating adolescents Non-participating adolescents p-value Age (in years) .09 n 73a 206 M 14.71 15.18 Range 10.63 - 18.34 10.10 - 18.36 Total IQ .65 n 70b 195c M 100.21 99.17 Range 66 - 144 61 - 144 Sex, n (%) .39 Birth-assigned girl 58 (78.4) 151 (73.3) Birth-assigned boy 16 (21.6) 55 (26.7) CBCL’s total problem T-score .25 n 57d 183e M 60.42 58.78 Range 42 - 77 34 - 80 Duration of diagnostic trajectory (in months) .43 n 73a 206 M 9.55 10.29 Range 4 - 26 3 - 59 Family situation, n (%) .16 With both parents 39 (52.7) 128 (62.1) Other 35 (47.3) 78 (37.9) Age refers to age at the informed consent session; total IQ refers to full-scale intelligence quotient; CBCL refers to Child Behaviour Checklist. a Date of starting with puberty suppressing treatment was unknown for one participating adolescent. b Total IQ was missing of four participating adolescents. c Total IQ was missing of 11 non-participating adolescents. d CBCL’s total problem T-score was missing of 17 participating adolescents. e CBCL’s total problem T-score was missing of 23 non-participating adolescents. Measures Demographics Adolescents’ demographic characteristics obtained from the medical files were date of birth, sex, family situation, date of the first contact at the clinic, and date of the IC session. Family situation was categorized into (1) living with both parents and (2) other.