
70 Chapter 4 Interrater agreement The interrater agreement of the reference standard and MacCAT-T-based judgements for the three experts were 89.2% (198 of 222) and 86.5% (192 of 222), respectively. Variables related to MacCAT-T scores Sex was significantly associated with MacCAT-T score (t[72] = -3.045; p = .003); birthassigned girls showed a higher total score. Both family status and clinic location were not significantly associated with MacCAT-T score. Therefore, a multiple linear regression analysis was conducted with only sex as control variable and age, intelligence, psychological functioning, and duration of the diagnostic trajectory as the main variables of interest, with the MacCAT-T score as the dependent variable. Table 8 shows the results of the multiple linear regression analysis. A significant regression equation was found (F(5,52) = 3.685; p = .006). Sex and full-scale intelligence quotient (IQ) are both significantly related to the MacCAT-T score when each one was corrected for the other three variables (respectively, β = 3.636; t(52) = 2.685; p = .010; and β = 0.088; t(52) = 2.381; p = .02). Age at the IC session, CBCL total-problem T-score and duration of the diagnostic trajectory were not significantly correlated. Table 8. Multiple linear regression analysis comparing the effect of age, full-scale intelligence quotient, psychological functioning, duration of the diagnostic trajectory associated and sex with the MacCAT-T score 95% Confidence Interval for B B p-value Lower bound Upper bound Step 1: Constant 29.177 - 24.211 34.142 Sex 3.636 .01* 0.923 6.348 Step 2: Constant 18.560 - 4.977 32.143 Age 0.476 .08 -0.056 1.008 Total IQ 0.088 .02* 0.014 0.161 CBCL’s total problem T-score -0.080 .19 -0.201 0.040 Duration of diagnostic trajectory 0.056 .67 -0.210 0.322 Age refers to age at the informed consent session; total IQ refers to full-scale intelligence quotient; CBCL refers to Child Behaviour Checklist; ‘-’ refers to not applicable. * p-value <.05