
& 177 SCIENTIFIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SCIENTIFIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to all patients who participated in the series of case-studies on personalized monitoring and feedback on risk-relevant features. This study was impossible without their willingness to participate in this study, their disclosure, and transparency about their risk-relevant behavioral, psychological, and contextual characteristics. I also wish to thank all co-authors for their valuable contributions to the studies published within this dissertation. This endeavor would not have been possible without Kelly Babchishin, Denny Borsboom, Julian Burger, Yvonne Bouman, Luk Gijs, Erick Janssen, Hanneke Kip, Jolanda Kossakowski, Harriëtte Riese, Klaartje Schepers, Wineke Smid, Daan van Beek, Date van der Veen, and Edwin Wever. Special thanks are due to Anthony Beech, Janine Blacker, Jackie Craissati, Karl Hanson, Stephen Hart, Maaike Helmus, Michael Lasher, Rachael Lofthouse, Jan Looman, Patrick Lussier, Robert McGrath, David Thornton, and Helen Wakeling. These colleagues provided raw or unpublished data or conducted additional analyses for our meta-analysis on the predictive propensities of dynamic risk assessment instruments developed for adult men with a history of sexual offenses. In addition, I owe many thanks to Kelly Babchishin for her feedback on the statistics used in this meta-analysis. Regarding the network analyses, special thanks should be made to Karl Hanson, Leigh Greiner and their organizations (Public Safety Canada and British Columbia Corrections, respectively) for sharing their data and to Maaike Helmus for preparing the data set.