KU Leuven Biomedical Sciences Group Faculty of Medicine Department of Neurosciences BEYOND THE SUM OF ITS PARTS TOWARDS A NETWORK APPROACH OF RISK OF SEXUAL REOFFENDING Jan Willem VAN DEN BERG Dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Biomedical Sciences December 2023 Jury: Supervisor: em. Prof. dr. Luk Gijs Co-supervisors: Prof. dr. Erick Janssen dr. Daan van Beek dr. Wineke Smid Chair examining committee: Prof. dr. Inge Depoortere Chair public defense: Prof. dr. Paul Enzlin Jury members: Prof. dr. Laurence Claes Prof. dr. Kris Goethals Prof. dr. Ingeborg Jeandarme Prof. dr. Kasia Uzieblo Prof. dr. Vivienne de Vogel