
3 62 CHAPTER 3 ABSTRACT Although dynamic risk factors are considered important in the assessment and treatment of adult men with a history of sexual offenses, little is known about their interrelationships. We apply network analysis to assess their associations and to provide an analysis of their shortest pathways to sexual and violent (including sexual contact) recidivism. Analyses revealed a central position for general rejection/loneliness (in all networks), poor cognitive problem solving (in networks containing sexual or violent—including sexual contact—recidivism), and impulsive acts (only in the network including sexual recidivism). These variables represented links between clusters of dynamic risk factors composed of factors relating to sexual self-regulation, emotionally intimate relationships, antisocial traits, and self-management. Impulsive acts showed the strongest independent association with sexual and violent (including sexual contact) recidivism. KEYWORDS Dynamic risk factors, sex offenders, network analysis SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS