100 3 Figure 1. Dutch citizens with a background in: To gauge whether discrimination explains voting for DENK, we measured feelings of belonging and experiences with discrimination. First, we asked people to answer a very broad question on a scale from 0 to 10: “Do you feel generally accepted as belonging to the country you live in?”. Second, we asked more specific questions about real-life experiences with discrimination: “In your day-to-day life, do any of the following things happen to you?” and offered 10 possible ways in which people could feel discriminated, ranging from “You are treated with less courtesy than other people are” to “People act as if they are afraid of you.” If respondents indicated having such experiences, they received a follow-up question: “What do you think is the main reason for these experiences?” with the possibility to answer many reasons, including “Your ancestry or national origin,” “Your race” or “Your religion.” We recoded these three answers in three dummy variables, for ancestral, racial and religious discrimination, respectively. We measured issue stances in both the cultural and economic dimensions, split into eight issues: taxing the rich, social benefits, climate change, fuel prices, immigration, Islam, equal pay for men and women, and LGB rights. We standardized all independent variables to run from 0 to 1. For our exact measurements of issues, belonging in the Netherlands and experiences with discrimination, age, gender and level of education, see the full list of survey questions in the Appendix 1. As the dependent variable, we measured propensity to vote (PTV) for DENK by asking respondents: “Please indicate the likelihood that you will ever vote for the following parties. If you are certain that you will never vote for this party then choose 0; if you are certain you will vote for this party some day, then enter 10. Of course you can also choose an intermediate position”18.We also measured the PTV for all other parties in parliament at the time of gathering data, allowing for a relative PTV measure 18 LISS (2018) LISS Panel Data Archive. Available at: https://www.dataarchive.lissdata.nl/.