19 Open science information Please find the appendix, dataset and replication materials in the following locations: Van Oosten S, Mügge L, Hakhverdian A, Van der Pas D and Vermeulen F (2024) French Ethnic Minority and Muslim Attitudes, Voting, Identity and Discrimination (EMMAVID) - EMMAVID Data France. Harvard Dataverse. DOI: https://doi. org/10.7910/DVN/ULQEAY Van Oosten S, Mügge L, Hakhverdian A, Van der Pas D and Vermeulen F (2024) German Ethnic Minority and Muslim Attitudes, Voting, Identity and Discrimination (EMMAVID) - EMMAVID Data Germany. Harvard Dataverse. DOI: https://doi. org/10.7910/DVN/GT4N9J Van Oosten S, Mügge L, Hakhverdian A, Van der Pas D and Vermeulen F (2024) Dutch Ethnic Minority and Muslim Attitudes, Voting, Identity and Discrimination (EMMAVID) - EMMAVID Data the Netherlands. Harvard Dataverse. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.7910/DVN/BGVJZQ All information in this dissertation can be verified through requests using the following information: 1. Ethics approval: if interested in confirming this information please put in a request at the Academic Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) – Tel: +31(0)20-525 2262 - Email: aissr@uva.nl - ERB number 2018-AISSR-9546 – Review carried out by Alix Nieuwenhuis. 2. Pre-registration: the pre-registration can be viewed here: osf.io/jtdqw – Titel: An MP Who Looks Like Me - How do race, religion and gender influence preferences for political representatives amongst individual citizens in France, Germany and the Netherlands? 3. Sampling strategy: the research accountability can be obtained through contacting Kantar Public – Tel: +31(0)20-5225 444 - Email: info@ kantarpublic.com - with reference number: H6764 – contact person is Ingmar Doeven.