36 for the sampling and data collection in this research project, conducted between March and August 2020. Kantar Public’s online panel is known for its diversity of respondents with and without a migration background, making it very suitable for this data collection. A significant challenge in surveying ethnic/racial minority groups is posed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a European law that legally restricts the storage of data on race and ethnicity8. To ensure participant anonymity and compliance with GDPR regulations, I designed the survey for this dissertation so no information regarding individuals’ specific ethnicity was stored. Instead, participants are asked about their migration background, and even this information does not undergo storage in a manner that would permit tracing it back to any individual. All collected data was anonymized, thus safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of the participants. This not only aligns with legal regulations but also upholds ethical considerations and respects the privacy concerns of the participants engaged in the study. The survey was conducted online across three countries: France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Participants spent an average of 15 minutes on the survey. To acknowledge and appreciate their time and effort, respondents received panel points, offering participants a tangible incentive without attracting professional survey respondents. These panel points could later be converted into gift cards. The approximate value of a 15-minute survey amounted to about two euros. For more information, please see the Open Science Information in the online appendix. After conducting pilot studies, receiving ethics approval, and pre-registering my hypotheses, I collected data between March and August of 2020 by presenting experimental profiles to 3058 citizens of France, Germany, and the Netherlands. The final survey yielded the following number of respondents in each group: Table 1. Number of respondents with backgrounds divided by country or region France Germany Netherlands Migration background France 515 Germany 346 Netherlands 308 Turkey 87 Turkey 198 Turkey 201 North-Africa 304 Former Soviet Union 266 Morocco 136 Sub-Saharan Africa 162 Other 144 Surinam 251 Other 131 Other 9 Gender Male 505 Male 415 Male 413 Female 694 Female 539 Female 492 8 European Commission (2018) A new era for data protection in the EU. What changes after May 2018. Available at: https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/eu-data-protection-rules_en - accessed on November 16 2023