38 and experiments show that data collected in spring 2020 does not significantly differ from data collected before the outbreak of COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns. If anything, outcomes are more conservative, making the chance of false negatives more likely than false positives due to some respondents being less attentive (Peyton et al., 2022). I am not worried about the attentiveness of the Kantar-panelists, due to the many measures Kantar has in place to enhance panel-hygiene but also because respondents gave lengthy answers in the comment-boxes throughout the survey. These lengthy answers show how moved respondents were by the questions, revealing their internal motivation to give thoughtful answers. Kantar pays explicit attention to how fast people answer surveys and when they answer the surveys too quickly or with too many repetitive answers they get expelled from the panel and do not receive any more invitations. This encourages me to believe that the respondents were attentive while filling out the survey, despite the global pandemic that was going on around them. Table 2. Full list of attributes and values of the experimental profiles Same France Germany Netherlands Migration background France Germany Netherlands North-Africa Turkey Turkey Sub-Saharan Africa Former Soviet Union Morocco Turkey Surinam Religion Non-religious Christian Muslim Gender Male Female Policy positions The tax rate for the rich must be lower/higher Our government should lower/raise the support for the unemployed Our government should do less/more to combat climate change than now Our government needs to lower/raise fuel prices Immigrants are a burden/an asset to our country Islam should (not) be restricted by law That men and women receive equal pay for equal work should (not) be regulated by law Homosexual couples should (not) be allowed to adopt children