
53 1 some authors stress the relative disadvantages Latinx citizens and candidates face in the US context (Abrajano, 2018), our analysis suggest Latinx candidates are just as (dis) advantaged at the ballot box as the white reference category. Figure 3. How do voters assess Latinx political candidates? n = 19404 | b = −0.028 n = 672 | b = 0.053 n = 2286 | b = 0.007 n = 1911 | b = 0.016 n = 1911 | b = 0.003 n = 1898 | b = −0.003 n = 1898 | b = −0.003 n = 4532 | b = 0.011 n = 750 | b = 0.008 n = 150 | b = 0.02 n = 1911 | b = 0.002 n = 700 | b = 0.076 n = 545 | b = −0.016 n = 545 | b = −0.012 n = 3358 | b = −0.004 n = 3358 | b = 0.009 n = 2956 | b = 0.001 n = 2956 | b = 0 n = 2786 | b = −0.027 n = 2786 | b = −0.012 n = 946 | b = −0.02 n = 946 | b = −0.01 n = 6197 | b = 0.019 n = 1818 | b = 0.013 n = 1818 | b = 0 n = 3014 | b = −0.05 n = 7892 | b = −0.022 n = 594 | b = −0.044 n = 1106 | b = −0.03 n = 412 | b = 0.02 n = 4684 | b = −0.002 n = 86740 | b = −0.002 Overall | Summary Random Effects Estimate | Choice and Rating Gershon et al. 2019 | US | Choice Armendariz et al. 2021 | US | Choice Costa 2021 (study 3) | US | Rating Sen 2017 | US | Rating Lemi et al. 2020 | US | Choice Badas et al. 2021 | US | Choice Manento et al. 2021 | US | Choice Costa 2021 (study 1) | US | Choice Kaslovsky et al. 2021 | US | Rating Costa 2021 (study 2) | US | Rating Atkeson et al. 2020 | US | Choice Badas et al. 2021 | US | Rating Funck et al. 2021 | US | Choice Kirkland et al. 2018 (MTurk sample) | US | Choice Kirkland et al. 2018 (MTurk sample) | US | Rating Manento et al. 2021 | US | Rating Visalvanich 2017 | US | Choice Carey et al. 2019 | US | Choice Carey et al. 2020 | US | Choice Kaslovsky et al. 2021 | US | Choice Leeper et al. 2020 | US | Rating Hainmueller et al. 2014 | US | Rating Kirkland et al. 2018 (YouGov sample) | US | Rating Hainmueller et al. 2014 | US | Choice Leeper et al. 2020 | US | Choice Ono et al. 2019 | US | Choice Kirkland et al. 2018 (YouGov sample) | US | Choice Abrajano 2018 (words and pictures combined) | US | Choice Sances 2021 | US | Choice Peterson et al. 2017 | US | Choice Mummolo et al. 2019 | US | Choice −0.2 0.0 0.2 Average effect size Study | Country | Dependent Variable Voters do not assess Latinx political candidates differently than majority (white) candidates. The overall effect size is −0.002. On average, Latinx candidates are not at a significant disadvantage. We base this summary random effects estimate on 86.740 observations across 31 different studies/dependent variables. Figure 3: How do voters assess Latinx political candidates?