
59 1 Figure 5. Shared identification: Do voters prefer political candidates of the same racial/ethnic minority group? n = 3599 | b = 0.013 n = 726 | b = 0.19 n = 420 | b = 0.08 n = 660 | b = 0.117 n = 2029 | b = −0.009 n = 1880 | b = 0.001 n = 1570 | b = 0.05 n = 9820 | b = 0.1 n = 100 | b = 0.029 n = 100 | b = 0.029 n = 302 | b = −0.046 n = 302 | b = 0.074 n = 902 | b = 0.065 n = 3758 | b = 0.141 n = 3758 | b = 0.141 n = 306 | b = 0.173 n = 247 | b = 0.04 n = 306 | b = 0.165 n = 247 | b = 0.029 n = 41 | b = −0.032 n = 4060 | b = 0.143 n = 3720 | b = 0.106 n = 4140 | b = 0.105 n = 124 | b = 0.264 n = 125 | b = 0.133 n = 97 | b = 0.201 n = 124 | b = 0.048 n = 125 | b = 0.017 n = 97 | b = 0.035 n = 3800 | b = 0.065 n = 4520 | b = 0.034 n = 52005 | b = 0.079 Overall | | Summary Random Effects Estimate | Choice and Rating Manento et al. 2021 | US | Both Black | Choice Manento et al. 2021 | US | Both Asian | Choice Atkeson et al. 2020 | US | Both Black | Choice Kaslovsky et al. 2021 | US | Both Black | Choice Kaslovsky et al. 2021 | US | Both Black | Rating Lemi et al. 2020 | US | Both Black | Choice Kao et al. 2019 | Jordan | Both same tribe | Choice Kao et al. 2019 | Jordan | Both same tribe | Rating Manento et al. 2021 | US | Both Latinx | Choice Atkeson et al. 2020 | US | Both Asian | Choice Lemi et al. 2020 | US | Both Latinx | Choice Lemi et al. 2020 | US | Both Asian | Choice Cammett et al. 2021 | Lebanon | Co−ethnic | Choice Atkeson et al. 2020 | US | Both Latinx | Choice Gutierrez−Romero 2020 | Kenya | Both Kikuyu | Choice Kim 2021 | Kenya | Both Kikuyu, Luhya, etc. | Rating Ono et al. 2019 | US | Both Black | Choice Carlson 2015 | Uganda | Both same tribe | Choice Manento et al. 2021 | US | Both Black | Rating Kaslovsky et al. 2021 | US | Both Latinx | Choice Manento et al. 2021 | US | Both Asian | Rating Ono et al. 2019 | US | Both Latinx | Choice Carey et al. 2019 | US | Both Latinx | Choice Carey et al. 2020 | US | Both Latinx | Choice Kaslovsky et al. 2021 | US | Both Latinx | Rating Manento et al. 2021 | US | Both Latinx | Rating Aguilar et al. 2015 (study 2) | Brazil | Both Black | Choice Banerjee et al. 2014 | India | Both SC (refcat general) | Choice Banerjee et al. 2014 | India | Both OBC (refcat general) | Choice Kevins 2019 | US | Both Asian | Rating Gutierrez−Romero 2020 | Kenya | Both Luo | Choice −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 Average effect size Study | Country | Which Shared Race/Ethnicity | Dependent Variable Racial/ethnic minority voters tend to prefer candidates of the same racial/ethnic minority group 7,9 percentage points more than they prefer racial/ethnic majority candidates. We base this summary random effects estimate on subset analyses 52.005 observations across 31 different studies/values/dependent variables. Figure 5: Shared identification: Do voters prefer political candidates of the same racial/ethnic minority group?