74 2 After running pilots and obtaining the ethics approval, see Appendix 8, I gathered data between March and August of 2020 and presented experimental profiles to 3058 citizens of France, Germany and the Netherlands, administered by survey agency Kantar Public. One important challenge in surveying ethnic/racial minority groups comes from the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a European law legally restricting saving data on race and ethnicity14. I overcame this challenge by employing a large scale filter question to the representative Kantar-panels in all three countries. I asked a very large sample to participate in a mini-survey. The first and only question of this mini-survey asks where their mother and father were born. If either one of their parents were born in a country of origin I wanted to oversample, we redirected this respondent to the full survey. If not, we either terminated the survey or redirected a small percentage to the full survey. This enabled us to form sizable groups of minority citizens for our final survey, ensuring ample diversity, a feature so often missing from survey research (Coppock and McClellan, 2018; Krupnikov and Levine, 2014; Mullinix et al., 2015). Though there is still a chance of selection bias, I have variables to weight the data on gender, migration background, education, age, urbanization and region, and the findings are broadly the same with and without weights. Respondents received so-called “LifePoints” (France and Germany) or “Nipoints” (the Netherlands) for the completion of the survey. With these points, respondents can periodically convert their saved points to an online gift card. The survey took about fifteen minutes to complete, which translated to an equivalent of two euros in gift card value. I ended up with the following number of respondents in each group: Table 1. Number of respondents with backgrounds divided by country or region France Germany Netherlands Migration background France 515 Germany 346 Netherlands 308 Turkey 87 Turkey 198 Turkey 201 North-Africa 304 Former Soviet Union 266 Morocco 136 Sub-Saharan Africa 162 Other 144 Surinam 251 Other 131 Other 9 Gender Male 505 Male 415 Male 413 Female 694 Female 539 Female 492 Religion Islam 177 Islam 123 Islam 234 Christianity 282 Christianity 287 Christianity 143 Non-religious 701 Non-religious 502 Non-religious 462 Other 39 Other 42 Other 64 14 European Commission (2018) A new era for data protection in the EU. What changes after May 2018. Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/data-protection-factsheet-changes_en.pdf.