
75 2 I assessed migration background by inquiring about the birthplaces of respondents’ mothers and fathers. It was necessary to ask this question first for sampling purposes. To minimize potential ordering effects on the data, I randomized the order in which respondents viewed the policy questions and experimental profiles. To mitigate acquiescence bias, where respondents tend to agree with statements, I randomized the wording of the policy questions. This approach had the added advantage of aligning with the policy positions expressed by the politicians in the experimental profiles. I measured respondent on a scale from 0 to 10 and counted a respondent as agreeing with the statement if they answered 6-10 and disagreeing if they answered 0-4. I did not find any additional effects in analyses with (only) respondents who answer 5, see appendix 3. In the experimental profiles, I randomized politician migration background, religion, gender and policy position, using conjoint experiments (Hainmueller et al., 2014, 2015). See Table 2 for the full list of randomized attributes and values that made up the profiles of the politicians. After presenting two politicians I asked the respondent: “which politician are you most likely to vote for?” See image 1. I repeated this three times, resulting in six profile-views per respondent. I included religion as the final variable to measure, as it is typically considered an exogenous variable that is less likely to change based on the preceding questions. Kantar had already gathered data on respondent gender. I listed all survey questions in appendix 1. Table 2. Full list of attributes and values of the experimental profiles Same France Germany Netherlands Migration background France Germany Netherlands North-Africa Turkey Turkey Sub-Saharan Africa Former Soviet Union Morocco Turkey Surinam Religion Non-religious Christian Muslim Gender Male Female Policy positions The tax rate for the rich must be lower/higher Our government should lower/raise the support for the unemployed Our government should do less/more to combat climate change than now Our government needs to lower/raise fuel prices Immigrants are a burden/an asset to our country Islam should (not) be restricted by law That men and women receive equal pay for equal work should (not) be regulated by law Homosexual couples should (not) be allowed to adopt children